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So, you’ve picked Wonder Woman to be your mentor – a fantastic choice if you have a strong sense of truth and justice!

Now that you’ve made it safely off Brainiac’s ship with some help from Superman, you’ve arrived at your safehouse at the Chinatown MPD Station in Metropolis. Go find Lightkeeper Ambrose, who has an urgent message for you from Wonder Woman herself! She was impressed with the way you used your new powers against Brainiac’s forces, and could use your aid with some heroic work on the ground.

Felix Faust and his Magents are stealing the souls of innocents for some nefarious plan in Chinatown. Zatanna, who was leading the charge to stop Faust’s dark ritual, has disappeared – and you’ll need to her help to take down Faust! Are you ready to fight for freedom and truth?

Heart and Soul

Faust is unleashing his Soulless thralls on the city! The Sentinels of Magic were dispatched to help fight them, but they’ve been overwhelmed. Exit the safehouse and follow the arrow on your minimap to the northeast until you reach the Chinatown District.

Once you reach the area, you’ll see that there’s a Lightkeeper in the area who could use your help – in fact, there are often people near crisis spots in the city who need a hero! Be sure to talk to them and offer to lend a hand.

Faust’s Soulless thralls are wreaking havoc in the area, so it’s up to you to release them from the spell they’re under! Once you’ve dealt with the thralls, Wonder Woman has an update for you – there’s a Sentinel in the area who has an amulet who can help you find Zatanna.

Following your minimap again, head east and speak with Sentinel Oron. He needs your assistance using the amulet on some of Faust’s Magents to steal their memories and find out where they’ve taken Zatanna. Find the nearby Apprentice Magents gathered around their soul wells and unleash the amulet on them – and pay no attention to their idle threats!

The Perils of Zatanna

Using the information you collected from Faust’s Magents, Wonder Woman was able to determine that Zatanna is being held in Madame Xanadu’s Magic Shop. But you’ll have to be careful, because she’s being carefully guarded by more of his Soulless victims!

Head southwest to enter and search the magic shop. Keep an eye out for the powerful Wizard Magents, as well as their apprentices and thralls – they’ll pose a more difficult challenge.

Once you reach the back of the magic shop, you’ll see where they’re holding Zatanna captive! Destroy the soul wells next to her to free her, and then defend her from the swarming Soulless thralls as she casts her incantation to pinpoint Faust’s location.

Soul Catcher

Before you can go face to face with Faust, you’ll need to weaken him further! Wonder Woman has discovered that Faust’s Magents are using Soul Wells in the nearby Shi Hao Xia Business District to capture innocent souls. Defeat his Magents to confiscate their soul siphons, and rid the area of the Soul Wells that are draining the souls of local citizens.

Zatanna’s incantation has revealed that Faust is conducting his ritual from within Mannheim’s Chinese Theater! His Magents are draining the captured souls they’ve collected into Soul Globes and bringing them to him to feed on, so head southwest to the theater and put a stop to their soul deliveries. Once you’ve cleared the area, complete the mission in your journal for a reward.

Thief of Souls

It’s time to face Faust! Zatanna already has him cornered him inside the Chinese Theater, but he’s being protected by his Magents – she needs your help to end his vile plot!

Head to the back of the theater to enter the building. Once you’re inside, knock out any Magents who try to prevent you from reaching Zatanna and fighting by her side! As you get closer to where Faust is casting his ritual, you’ll see he’s created a mystical barrier preventing you from aiding Zatanna – so take down the group of Magents in the adjacent room who are casting the spell.

Once you reach Zatanna, the two of you will need to teach Faust a lesson! Watch out, because he’ll try to heal himself using the Soul Globes nearby. Take out any Zealots who try to run up to him to stop that from happening – Zatanna can distract Faust in the meantime.

Congratulations on defeating Faust! Wonder Woman is impressed at your calm under pressure.

There’s no doubt she’ll be relying on you to help protect Metropolis in the future!

The Faust Finale

Zatanna wants to give you her thanks for coming to her aid, so exit the theater and head back northwest to the Chinatown Police Station. Speak with her to claim your reward and grab your next mission. Your journey as the savior of Metropolis is just beginning!

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