9/18/20 7:00 AM
Happy Batman Day!
Celebrate The World's Greatest Detective with free gifts in DC Universe Online.
All players can claim the Form: Batwing (yes, form change into the Batwing!), plus a Batman Day 2020 - Cover Pack (for your base). Members get more by claiming an additional gift, the E. Nygmatic Accessory.
To claim these gifts, players must log in between September 18-30, 2020. To claim the member gift, players must log in with an active membership.
Form: Batwing
Batman Day 2020 - Cover Pack
E. Nygmatic Accessory (Members Only)
Celebrate Batman Day this year with in-game gifts in DC Universe Online! What gifts, you ask? We can only answer in riddles. Here's the first one:
The #BatmanDay celebrations in #DCUO will be riddled with gifts this year - but can you decipher your prizes in time?
— DCUO (@DCUO) September 14, 2020
Let's find out! Riddle #1: pic.twitter.com/psELi9Fm5w
And here's the second riddle:
Does Riddle #1 have you coming undone? Riddle #2 might see you through. #DCUO #BatmanDay gifts are on the way this September.
— DCUO (@DCUO) September 16, 2020
Riddle #2: pic.twitter.com/fBh0Wzev4F
Finally, the third and final riddle:
Clues and collections this #BatmanDay in #DCUO, if you have the math to unravel this mystery.
— DCUO (@DCUO) September 16, 2020
Riddle #3: pic.twitter.com/X2boFyp8v8
To learn more about Batman Day, head to DC's BatmanDay.com for news, information, and more. Happy Batman Day!