The PS3 Digital Download version of DC Universe Online is now available in the PlayStation Network store! Perhaps you or a friend is considering purchasing the game, but just don't want to brave a trip to the store. We are here to help and have put together twelve reasons you should just buy from the comfort of your couch.
- Because going into stores in your black spandex and full face mask seldom ends well.
- Sunlight is to gamer flesh as Kryptonite is to Superman.
- Bullies can't play "keep away" with a digital download.
- Because the squirrels are up to something, and everybody knows it.
- No one has ever been hit by a bus downloading a game, except for that one time.
- Your home is free of tiger blooded warlocks with fire breathing fists. The world it seems, is not.
- Grodd's de-evolution machine is turning most of the city into monkeys. Guess what monkeys throw?
- The real world requires pants.
- If people see you leave the house, they might start to expect it of you.
- Statistically, when you leave your house you're 1000 times more likely to be stomped on by a giant robot bent on conquering the city.
- Go out and buy the game at the store. This way you can keep it with your cassette walkman and your over-sized 90's cell phone.
- The security of your Secret Lair is so hard to disarm. Why waste time resetting lava traps and avoiding laser beams?
Remember if you purchase, to make sure that once you have downloaded and installed the game, you return to the PlayStation Store and select 'DC Universe Online Activation' to activate your free month subscription that is included with this purchase.