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A Deadly New Mystery

Jim Gordon looked out over the city and winced – effects from the recent alien invasion were still visible; fresh scars and open wounds on a battered landscape.  The skies were still filled with a red haze, thanks to a massive fire pit carved out of the earth by cruel Parademons. First responders and relief forces were working around the clock to move things back toward normal – well, normal for Gotham City, at least.  And, in the midst of all the chaos and destruction, it looked like a serial killer was stalking the streets - a killer strong enough to take down super-powered prey.  In cases like that… it was time to light the signal.

“Sorry for the delay, Jim,” said a voice from the shadows. “Darkseid’s forces have been keeping me busy out there.” 

Interior artwork from Batman: The Dark Prince Charming (Oct. 2018). © and TM DC. Written and art by Enrico Marini.


Gordon smiled.  That figures, he thought.  When aren’t those two five steps ahead of me? 

“Think it’s one of the usual suspects,” the Commissioner asked.  “Maybe Killer Croc, or Grundy?” 

“Not likely,” said Batman.  “The attacks don’t match their M.O., nor do the results.  When Croc or Grundy kill someone, they leave behind a mess… and a corpse.  That’s not happening here.” 

“Good point,” Gordon replied.  “Then we might have a new player on the board, and a tough one at that.  I know several members of the League are in town to help with the Darkseid situation.  Any chance you can call in some of them to help?” 

“Always an option, but I need to find out more about the killer first… and their power level,” Batman said. “If we’re dealing with a Superman-level threat, I’m not calling in Booster Gold.” 

“Sensible,” said Gordon.  “I’ll be sure to pass along anything the G.C.P.D. finds out about this – Montoya’s been looking into it, now that she’s not dealing with aliens trying to eat everyone in sight.” 

A moment passed without a reply from the Dark Knight.  Gordon turned to find himself the sole occupant of the rooftop.  Some things never change, he thought as he shut down the Bat-Signal.  Good luck, old friend. 


 As Batman entered the penthouse apartment, a figure clad in black leather stepped out of the shadows to join him. 

“Cat,” Batman said with a respectful nod. 

Variant cover artwork from Batman Catwoman #1 (Feb. 2021). © and TM DC. Art by Jim Lee. 


“Bat,” Catwoman replied, smirking slightly.  “What’s on your mind?  Deciding how big to make the ears on that cowl of yours?  For what it’s worth, I prefer the shorter look.”  

“Noted,” said Batman.  “Have you heard anything on the streets about the new serial killer?” 

“Nothing past what I’m certain you already know, and what’s showing up in the media,” Catwoman said.  “Jack Ryder’s blaming it all on Harley Quinn, which… yeah.  Harley has trouble deciding what she wants for breakfast, let alone mustering the drive to pursue something like serial killing.” 

“Even the fringe rumors could hold clues on the case,” Batman replied.  “For example, Kite-Man claimed he encountered the killer, but they told him he wasn’t on their list.” 

“Sure, but… Kite-Man?  Come on, Bat,” Catwoman said, amused.  “Are you going to shake down Condiment King next?  Ask if the killer prefers aioli or mustard on their sandwich?” 

A grim frown in response caused Catwoman to shiver for a moment.  “Right, you’re giving me the look,” she said.  “Message received.  Hm… okay, there is one weird thing I’ve been hearing about.  People have been talking about a blue light in the sky lately.  I figured it was from Apokolips riff-raff, but… it’s still happening, and the aliens are gone now, right?” 

“Mostly,” Batman said, still frowning.  “A few stragglers here and there, but I have my people working on those.” 

“Then… maybe you need to look into this mysterious blue light, Bat,” Catwoman said with a smile.  “And hope it’s not Kite-Man trying out a new look.  That green suit of his is a bit… basic.” 

“Green… blue.  Hmm,” Batman said.  “You might be onto something, Selina.  Thanks.”  

“Wait, are you serious,” Catwoman replied, slightly astonished.  “Happy to help…”  

A purr from a nearby cat caught her attention.  When she turned to continue the conversation, the Dark Knight was gone. 

“Typical,” she said, petting the purring cat.  “Until next time, Bat… and good hunting.” 


To be continued...



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