Game Update 59
Loot Choice UI Available In All Tiers!
We have extended our Loot Choice UI tthe earlier tiers of DCUO! Now all solos, duos, alerts and raids available in the On Duty menu have this feature added. This gives players the opportunity tchoose what loot they receive from bosses. Upon defeating a boss, the player will be presented with a new UI that allows them tchoose from a list of available loot. After the main choice has been made, the UI will then display all items received from the KO.
Tutorial Updates!
With Game Update 59, we have made adjustments tthe tutorial instance at the start of the game. Important messaging has been updated tbe clearer and more instructional for the player. A full list of improvements and updates are included in the full public notes.
Survival: Fortress of Solitude
Prepare tface the chill inside the Fortress of Solitude! Think you’ve got what it takes tstop Brainiac’s mind-controlled super heroes and villains? Queue up and see how long you can last against unending waves of powerful enemies! Fight for unique style rewards awarded only tthose with the most dedication on the field of battle! Players can queue for Survival: Fortress of Solitude from the Event tab if they meet the CR requirement.
- New Awesome, Kryptonian-themed, pants for rounds 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
- New Kryptonian-themed shirt
- 20 total rounds
- 8 Players
- Combat Rating: 146
- Operation: Fatal Exams
- Players should nlonger spawn outside of the appropriate room inside the League Hall when starting this operation.
- Labyrinth of Lost Souls
- Plates in the Labyrinth that activate via players in healer role should now alsbe activated by players in Insectoid form.
April Fools
The Joke Brief will nlonger enter combat during League Hall content.
Halls of Power Part I
- Operation: Artifacts from the Past
- Big Barda/Mantis will now appear in the necropolis cut scene.
- Modern Batman Legendary Grant
- Updated the mission tauto-complete and mail the reward at level 5. This will help fix players whare falling off the expected mission path.
- Supersize Souls
- Fixed an issue where players couldn't complete the side mission because they couldn't re-acquire the greed demon form change after completing the main mission. Now players should be able tpick up and complete the mission even if they missed it on the first time through the content.
- Movement
- Swoop Attack will nlonger cause the camera tjump ta far away location.
- Sorcery
- Updated the tooltip for Offering treflect that your character’s Guardian, Fury, and Watcher pets are the only NPCs that get power over time when it is used.
- Now, messages of importance appear much larger on screen and vary in color tcoincide with the degrees of immediacy tperform the required action.
- The overall frequency of system messages has been reduced tavoid spamming the player unnecessarily.
- Brainiac Sentry models have been changed, and now use wider range of attacks.
- The Brainiac Guardian model has alschanged tmake him more epic looking!
- The cinematic at the end of the tutorial now plays immediately after you speak tSuperman or Lex Luthor.
- Pressing 'ESC' while the connecting screen is up should nlonger attempt topen the HUD and close the game.
- The Research and Development UI should nlonger crash when attempting tArchive when a player has a large list of recipes.
- Updated the icon for all tiers of the 10-count Catalysts.